Friday, July 08, 2005


Here we are, standing on a pavement,
on the sidewalk of the world, breaking the laws of this society.
Laws to be indifferent, ignorant and selfish.

The rule "I don't care" doesn't work anymore.
I care. I'm here. I dare...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, how right you are. But WHO is standing on the pavement?.. YOU, I, but we`ll never stay there together, or we`ll stay on dufferent, OWN pavements. Truth as I see it is inside us. Nobody can be frank. Because we are demons inside. And the most killing is that you know it. And nobody else. You have no person who can accept you as you are. NOBODY. That`s why you are standing alone. And if you dare to show WHO YOU`RE INSIDE, let your own demons out - you`ll be genius... But nearly nobody dares.

10:01 PM  
Blogger Attera Nox said...

That pavement is nothing, but the edge of the world, where you don't feel time, where nothing can be measured by usual means, but only with your own perception of the things. It's a place where you are able to look in your own eyes. Where you force yourself to see your real face.
And you're a real genius if you dare to see it without the shroud of self-justification.

The demons inside of us are not always our enemies. And they can be frank, to say more, they're much more frank than the ones pretending to be fully righteous.

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing in this world makes me scare as I do. :)
I read many of my own dated back thoughts here.
Check your mail, check-a-chek your mail:) crm asked qstions for u know what.

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I promised...


He was born not much time ago as we see the time. It was in spring, but he didn`t know that it is called so. He felt fresh air, he heard birds. He thought, that everybody is so glad because of his birth. He came. He is born. The life is started. But once upon a time he looked around and discovered that there are lots of leaves on the tree. And he thought that the world is only for him. To add to this, another leaves were so similar to him, and nobody could say what was the difference between them... And he has to live among them. He is born.
He saw how the world changes every day. In the morning. During nights, when all the laws are broken, but the majority is sleeping and can`t see it, take part in this natural breaking. "That`s why all the people say- as I heard- that there is no changes in the life... They don`t want to see it..." He cried when realized that he`s only a leaf like all the other leaves. He wanted to be special... So much... But NO. But when wind took him in his non-material hands the leafunderstood The Main Reason Of Life. Of everything living. He never told about The Reason when couple of stupid leaves said, that there is no sense in the life... He kept silence. He saw tears. He saw cold mornings and people believing that thay are unlucky. He saw a lot... He called Death, but even then he knew, that it`s too early to die. But he adored Death. He even couldn`t live without it.
He knew some leaves who struggled for life and there wasn`t another reason to live. And when the autumn came, they all felt soon destruction. They had nothing but body. THat`s why they were so scared...
And He... He went down plainly, quietly. He Knew The Main Reason. He had nothing to lose. Now he`s lying on the ground, wet and cold. Leaf...

And look around. All the leaves are different. Can you see it now?..

2:21 PM  
Blogger Attera Nox said...

That was - and still is - my dream, to believe that everyone is different, drawing the line of analogy between those who really are and the rest of the world. But so many times I've had an opportunity to see it's not the way I want it to be. Not everyone is able to be Human (or leaf, if you like), the character, the personality. Still most of these creatures are just a rather negative background, the only positive factor they provide is that it becomes more valuable for you to come across the real individuality. I know, it sounds cynical, but most of the people are able to see the halo of the sun only during the eclipse.

7:48 PM  

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